SiUCs at the Quantum Technologies with Ultrastrong Couplings workshop

Our partners Pol Forn-Díaz and Milena Grifoni have participated remotely as invited speakers in the Workshop on Prospects of Ultrastrong light-matter interactions organized by Chalmers. This workshop brings together experts from various disciplines to shed light upon where the field is now and where it is heading.

Milena has spoken about Transmission spectra of an ultrastrongly coupled qubit-dissipative resonator systems. On the other hand, Pol has introduced the Quantera-funded SiUCs project that is coordinated by IFAE and includes the Néel Institute, KIT, The University of Regensburg, The Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche in Catania. He has presented the project status and the prospects.

If you are interested in this topic, stay tuned! Interesting news coming soon!

Sara Martínez de Salinas Uzquiza
Sara Martínez de Salinas Uzquiza
Project Manager Assistant at IFAE
