New SiUcs publication: **Optimized state transfer in systems of ultrastrongly coupled matter and radiation**
New SiUcs publication: **Coarse-grained dynamics of ac-driven two-state systems**
New SiUcs publication: **Heat rectification through single and coupled quantum dots**
New SiUcs publication: **Transition regime between traveling-wave and resonant parametric amplifier**
New SiUcs publication: **Operating in a deep underground facility improves the locking of gradiometric fluxonium qubits at the sweet spots**
New SiUcs publication: **A Tutorial on Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning methods for Quantum Technologies**
New SiUcs publication: **Reinforcement learning-enhanced protocols for coherent population-transfer in three-level quantum systems**
New SiUcs publication: **Atoms in separated resonators can jointly absorb a single photon**
New SiUcs publication: **Feynman-Vernon influence functional approach to quantum transport in interacting nanojunctions: An analytical hierarchical study**
New SiUcs publications have been uploaded to arXiv: **Transmission spectra of the driven, dissipative Rabi model in the USC regime**