Pol Forn-Díaz

Pol Forn-Díaz

Leader of the IFAE QCT group

Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE)

Dr. Pol Forn-Díaz (male) obtained his PhD with work on ultrastrong coupling of superconducting qubits and resonators in 2010 from the Technische Universiteit Delft (The Netherlands) under the supervision of Prof. J. E. Mooij. He has an extensive international experience with a postdoc in Prof. H. J. Kimble laboratory at Caltech (USA), a postdoc at IQC Waterloo (Canada) with Prof. C. M. Wilson and Prof. A. Lupascu and regularly visits Prof. Oliver’s group at MIT (USA). He has published 19 articles in high-impact journals such as Nature Physics and Nature Communications, some of which have been very influential in the field of quantum optics with superconducting circuits. Since 2017, he was a staff researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) where he established the first Spanish experimental team to build small-scale quantum processors for quantum computing and annealing. Since 2019, Dr. Forn-Díaz is a tenure track researcher at IFAE where he leads the Quantum Computing Technology group. Dr. Forn-Díaz has also experience as a scientific communicator having spoken in public talks, high-school and undergraduate students as well as industry representatives. He is currently scientific advisor of the Barcelona-based consultancy Entanglement Partners SL. He is also co-founder of Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, S. L.
