Patrick Paluch

Patrick Paluch

PhD student at the Physikalisches Institut (PHI)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Patrick studied Physics at the University of Heidelberg and did his Bachelors in the group of Dr. Robert Moshammer, working on the FLASH reaction microscope. During his Masters in the group of Prof. Sebastian Kempf, Patrick worked on the microwave SQUID multiplexer that paved his way into the realm of low-temperature solid-state physics - only one step away from superconducting quantum circuits. Currently, Patrick is a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Ioan Pop at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He investigates superinductor based quantum technologies with ultra‐strong couplings using granular aluminum. His focus lies in creating superconducting circuit designs that aim to reduce quasiparticle losses, one of the main reasons for decoherence. He also wants to gain insight into the ultra‐strong coupling regime by designing and studying a switchable coupling to superconducting qubits. Furthermore, Patrick enjoys the close collaboration with Prof. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, involving especially the development of compact tabletop dilution refrigerators (“Sionludi”) that have shown to be a very valuable resource for quantum technology.